Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Updated Davis Weber East-West Transportation Study results

On June 11 and 12, UDOT and their partners released to the public the study results for the Davis Weber East-West Transportation Study. Don't be fooled by the "East-West" part of the name, however; this study encompasses all the projects that are currently planned in the area as well as those that they hope to get approval for from now to 2040.

The maps and other information can be found through the following links:
Davis Weber East-West Transportation Study main page
Study Public Process
June Open House Displays (description of the study status and process)
Changes to the previously presented packages (changes made through public comment)
The package they'll present to the legislature (preferred package - MAP)
Project phasing (which roads they'll build when - MAP) *NOTE* Red is 2008-2013, Blue is 2014-2023, Green is 2023-2040
Project phasing (list instead of map)

For those of you who are interested in the status of the North Legacy study (which they're now calling Legacy Parkway): I was told that the alignment has not been finalized, and that the study team will be reconvening as early as this month (but it will likely be later this summer or early fall) to pick up where they left off. As I hear more, I will let you know. For Plain City residents, the widening of 2700 North (to a four-lane road) and extension of it through Paul Costley's Garage down to the Legacy Parkway will have a big impact in that area.

If you would still like to make public comment on any of the planned projects, or the study results as a whole, contact:
Justin Smart or Carri Hulet, 801.388.1839 or chulet@langdongroupinc.com