Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What happened to North Legacy?

For those of you who are wondering what happened to the North Legacy Corridor transportation planning, I know how you feel! I wondered the same until I talked to a representative of the study at the Davis Weber East-West Transportation Study Open House last week.

From what I understand, the study had been temporarily put on hold after the suggested routes received so much negative public comment. The focus shifted to total transportation planning and east-west routes; however, North Legacy is present and accounted for in each transportation package (with the exception of Orange). In the maps for each package, you'll see some differences, however: Yellow includes a six-lane arterial, and it's only a two-lane arterial in Red and Blue.

For residents in Plain City who may be wondering what happened to Option 2 (a possible alternative further west that spares about 70 houses), it may still be on the table. The North Legacy route shown on each map is "for illustrative purposes only" and has not been decided. If the Mayor and City Council plan to preserve both routes for now, it may not be decided for some time.

Apparently, the North Legacy Corridor Study will be picked back up in a few months. At that time, the Study Team will hold Open Houses and request more public involvement. If you would like to be notified when meeting are held, I will post when I hear something (just make sure you have subscribed). I was also told that everyone who provided public comment last fall will be notified directly.

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